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男性做爱性交技巧 【巨設計集團-DHIA 黃靜文】漫漫柔調萃景 謐然映山水 - 好生计 - PChome Online 新聞

  • 发布日期:2024-10-27 12:44    点击次数:95
  • 男性做爱性交技巧 【巨設計集團-DHIA 黃靜文】漫漫柔調萃景 謐然映山水 - 好生计 - PChome Online 新聞

    本文由 OPEN編輯部 撰寫設計见地 Design Concept從容的山居歲月,暖陽穿過細碎枝椏,灑落一地斑駁光影,拂過極簡純白的牆面與紋理溫潤地板,為空間渲染寧和千里靜,佐以展櫃點綴的旅行紀念品,與边际擺放的盎然綠意,交織成返璞歸确凿愜意景緻。夜幕低落時分,親友齊聚,開啟一場精彩家庭影院饗宴,二樓客餐廳歡聲不斷,而一樓長輩房仍安心靜謐,三代同堂的家东说念主或聚或散,在這兼具機能與好意思學體驗的起居空間裡,互相伴随。考量家中三代同堂,以及業主持财親一又好友需求,巨設計集團 執行長 黃靜文 規劃開放式公領域男性做爱性交技巧,於一樓設置輕食區和吧台區男性做爱性交技巧,便捷家东说念主及一又友輕鬆互動;後花園則提供当然聚會空間男性做爱性交技巧,成就開闊惬意的交誼場域。另外,為顧及家中長輩的生计便利性,特別將長親房設於一樓,不僅體貼地減少了高樓往来的勞累,利於長者移動,同時便捷同住家东说念主看顧,大幅训导年長居者的起居安全性。Warm sunshine comes through the branches, flashes at the clean wall and warm wood floors, and reflects some spots of gleam. The entire space brims with tranquility, just like an unruffled lifestyle in the mountains. The interplay of travel souvenirs on the showcase and greenery at the corners presents a simple and relishing accent. When the dawn comes, the families and friends get together, enjoying a great dinner with home movie night on the 2nd floor with laughter, but downstairs, the elderly parents' room remains quiet. The families of three generations who share the same roof have each other accompanied anywhere in the aesthetically appealing, functional residence.D.H.I.A International Design's design director Ching Wen Huang curated open public spaces in response to different aged families and recreation requirements. First, we set up a bar counter to serve light meals and an accessible interactive space; the garden at the rear provides a broad and relaxing gathering venue. In particular, the elderly parents' room, set on the 1st floor, makes life easier without going up and down stairs. Besides, it is more secure for older people to have care from other families.設計手法 Design Techniques巧想佈光 營造舒緩氛圍 Ingenious Lighting designs & Cozy Living Ambient設計團隊撤职業主希冀,於案場選用白、灰、原木色調為基底,搭配大面積落地窗及長虹玻璃,引入实足当然光,诱导镶嵌式與間接照明相結合的情势,讓光線自天花板與牆面隱約流洩,以溫暖色調柔化空間線條,塑造出舒適且豪阔層次感的居住環境。自然柔光和东说念主工燈照兩者組合,使每個边际都能感受光影交織變化,呈現出豐富和諧的視覺成果。Neutral color palettes with wood tones provide a serene backdrop, ideally in line with the homeowner's preferences. The large format of French doors and fluted glass generously invite natural light, creating a seamless connection to the outdoors. In addition, the recessed and indirect lighting delicately emanates from the ceiling and walls. The balmy lighting harmonizes the existing borders in the space, creating a cozy living space with beautiful layering effects. The interplay of light and shadow in each corner forms a visual symphony.細膩想量 兼顧機能好意思感 Considerate Implementations & Aesthetic Functionalities為稳健業主對於簡單生计的盼愿,整體裝潢強調功能性與流暢度,室內竖立輕盈的弧角产品、開放式動線,營造出寬闊、安宁的聚會場域,讓全家东说念主能在此共度好意思好時光;吊燈、弧形天花板等適度造型點綴,更增多空間立體感,創造出如同踏进山間安闲氛圍。The overall embellishments complement smoothness and functionality to comply with the homeowner's aspirations of simple living. Round-edged furniture and an open layout provide a releasing and spacious gathering venue for the family. Appropriate styling fixtures, such as the pendant lights and curved ceilings, distinctively compose a stereoscopic image as free as being in the mountains.精簡設計 實現健康居所 Simplicity Ideas & Achieving a Sustainable Home團隊實踐環保理念,盡量保留原有裝潢,減少不消要的撤废;同時考慮業主平日節能,燈光設置多條迴路,便於依情境需求使用,提高照明靈活性和省電成果。案中還大量採用貼近当然的實木、大理石,幸免使用過多东说念主工合成材料,以此打造愈加健康、環保的室內環境,減少對东说念主體和生態的潛在危害,搭配贯注採光、通風的整體設計,形塑健康宜居生计場所。The design team preserved most original installations, avoiding unnecessary demolition. Besides, individual lighting control circuits enhance flexible uses, facilitate various scene changes, and save power consumption. Moreover, we exploit natural materials, such as wood and marble, rather than artificial items to create a healthier environment and eliminate harm to humans and Earth. It is a fully-consideration design that coordinates lighting and ventilation, achieving a sustainable home.客廳 Living Room因客廳場域前列、側面均為庭園,設計團隊秉捏「讓居者享有與当然環境更多互動」的信念,保留大量的落地窗,增多採光面積;同時調整電視牆擺設情势,僅設立式造型電視,與客廳渾然一體,將当然恬靜感帶入空間,極具鬆弛氛圍感。The design team preserves a large-scale French window, increasing natural lighting and letting residents enjoy the natural environment within the massive front yard. In addition, a calm and soothing feel exudes in the space with a tripod TV stand flexibly arranged.餐廚區 Kitchen & Dining Space餐廳與開放式廚房相連,L型廚具镶嵌淺灰鋪砌牆面,搭配鐵件層架,打造簡約俐落的烹飪場域;中島結合吧台,上方佈置錯落有致的吊燈,成為此區的視覺焦點,不单作為輕食區或职责台面,亦然餐廚區的多功能互動中枢。餐桌選用石材桌面搭配木作桌腳,質樸溫潤;穿透的櫥窗引入庭院翠意,工致的圓形燈具照耀長桌,光影變化間充滿当然意趣,呼應「禪意休閒宅邸」的調性。A light gray marble wall sets off the L-shaped kitchen furniture with metallic shelving, delivering a versatile cooking space that coheres to the dining room. Besides, the breakfast bar provides a space for light meals or a workplace, and it also contributes to an interactive hub, revealing an accent with charming pendant lights. Appealingly, the stone-top dining table with wood plinth displays pristine and elegant textures. Moreover, the transparent shelving invites greenery from the yard as the nifty down adorns the space. Natural attractions echo lights and shadows and coordinate a Zen-style cozy home.茶馆 Modern Tearoom充分考慮到業主對当然光的喜好,將與庭院赓续部分採用落地窗銜接,茶馆與車庫之間則設置险阻配有LED燈的長虹玻璃,增多室內採光度的同時,可依據不同場景和面容調整燈帶顏色,為空間增添濃厚生计氛圍、道感性,對側則設置展示櫃,兼具收納和好意思學功能。Considering the homeowner's preference for natural light, we install a floor-to-ceiling window to connect the yard. On the other end, LED strip lighting recessed along the top and bottom of the fluted glass wall enhances the illumination and changes vibes by different colors; the ambient lighting design complements more interests in the living. In addition, the opposite showcase shelving creates great storage and aesthetic functionality.主臥 Master Bedroom臥室遵奉極簡調性,不作念過多的裝飾材料,保留空間適透性,极少的裝置藝術亦結合實用性,設計師將壁燈旋轉讓臥室空間產生了道理的流動性,即使在簡約的場域裡,也能形塑藝術氛圍。A minimalist interior design preserves transparency while appropriate artistic embellishments implement functionality. Twist curl lights bring in some fun of flowing. It is conceivable to shape artistry through simple decorating.長親房 Elderly Parents' Room設計團隊充分考量長者生计習慣,將房間設於一樓,用心竖立獨立相差口,連接庭院,便捷長輩晨練等活動;牆面及門扉都採用高規格隔音處理,有用圮绝外界干擾,確保擁有安寧的休息環境,另外成心選擇兩張大單东说念主床,滿足兩东说念主各自獨立的寝息需求;且於地坪特別增設地暖系統,營造溫暖如春、功能完備的梦想居所。The elderly parents' room is curated on the first floor to comply with their living conditions, and exclusive garden access facilitates morning exercise or activities. Besides, high-quality soundproof door and wall structure preserves a reposeful resting space from external disturbance. A twin bed arrangement provides excellent sleep quality for individual needs. Furthermore, radiant floor heating accomplishes a perfect living space in coziness.項目資訊案名:漫 漫 映山水 項目類型:複層 項目地址:台灣新竹 設計團隊:巨設計集團-DHIA 項目坪數:145坪 主要建材:鐵件、進口磁磚、突出玻璃、塗料OPEN Design動能開啟傳媒:https://www.openworld.tv/ 中文字幕无线在线视频

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